
Before you start voting, it’s a good idea to read our about page to find out more about who is eligible to be nominated as an NHS Champion and how the nominations will be judged.

Category of award

Doctors and dentists – This category includes doctors, dentists and surgeons

  • Nurses, midwives and health visitors – This category includes nurses, midwives and health visitors
  • Allied health professionals – This category includes arts therapists, biomedical scientists, chiropodists and podiatrists, clinical scientists, dieticians, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, prosthetists and orthotists, psychologists and psychotherapists, radiographers, speech and language therapists
  • Ambulance staff (including paramedics) – This category covers 999 services and ambulances, as well as patient transport services staff
  • Clinical support staff (including health care assistants, porters and housekeepers) – This category also includes lab assistants, domestic staff, dental nurses and therapy support staff
  • Managers and administrative staff – This category includes receptionists, secretaries, administrators, estates, HR staff, finance and IT staff, practice and hospital managers

This person is an NHS Champion because… Please tell us why the person you are nominating is an NHS Champion, in no more than 100 words.